Congratulations to all new 2021H2 vExperts
First a big congratulations to all the new intake for H2 2021 of vExperts. I for one know this can feel like a massive achievement, so take 5 and relish in that feeling.
Gareth has worked across multiple sectors as a sysadmin and is a massive advocate of the #vCommunity being a leader for the UKVMUG. He is a 6 times vExpert along with a vExpert Pro mentoring people into the program. Prior to his role at Runecast he was a Systems Engineer for a large eco friendly energy firm going through a digital transformation. This tied in well with his hobbies outside of work with his love for self sustainability and home automation. You can find Gareth at his blog and also as a co-host on the OpenTechCast podcast. Find him on Twitter @GarethEdwards86.